Something Subtle That I Miss

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I Moved to New York During the Pandemic

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Northeast US Nerd Tour

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Isolation in El Calafate

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Why Isn’t Soundproofing in Apartment Buildings Better?

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Buenos F***ing Aires

No, the title is not negative. This place is pretty cool. But that’s also not what I was really expecting – for this place to be so cool, as in the weather. Let’s just say I can see my breath outside… in South America. But if this is as cool as it gets, that’s fine with me. It’s only supposed to warm up.

After stepping off of the plane, there was already a man waiting with the sign of my study abroad program named Agustín. He helped me and another girl in the same program, who I later found out was Amy, get a taxi ride to our homestays. The taxi ride was a little eye-opening at first. Let’s just say that lanes are more of suggestions, stop signs are actually speed-up signs, and pedestrians don’t have right-of-way, but other than that the roads here are just fine.

This, is the inside of my homestay. I live with 8 other American students, 1 student from the Netherlands, and of course Luciano and María, my host-parents. (There will be pictures, but I just don’t have them yet). And of course, how could I forget about Maxsi?

This dog is very well-trained and perfect for this apartment-style living. The other day I saw him outside and he appeared to be alone. I tried calling him over but he wouldn’t cross the street until Luciano (who had been walking Maxsi but without a leash) came over and gave him permission. Maxsi seems to like me at dinner. Luciano says it’s because we’re both rubios (light-haired). Also, there’s a cat.

Maps in my room

It’s like they already knew me.

And here’s the best steak I’ve ever had. Fue muy jugoso.

Here’s the only group photo I have so far. This isn’t everyone, but from left to right goes Morgan, me, JJ, and Amy. Props to Jill for the picture-taking skills. And for those of you wondering, that is the Casa Rosada (Pink House). No big deal, but it’s basically the White House… but pink. Yeah la presidente lives there. And the protesty-looking stuff is part of a weekly demonstration by the parents of los desaparecidos, who have met there every Thursday for the past three decades to commemorate those who disappeared by the hands of the dictatorship. Basically, you (yes, that means you) need to get on Netflix and watch La historia oficial.

Here’s another doggy.

Well that’s about all I have for now. Until later.

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