Something Subtle That I Miss

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Northeast US Nerd Tour

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Classes Imminent

So we signed up for classes a couple of days ago. I’m not really bitter about it, but I will miss the semi-carefree hanging out in La Capital Federal de Buenos Aires. If only I knew how to tango…

…because I will soon. Here’s a screengrab from a dance that they showed us during class orientation to get us enticed. It turns out, I had just enough credits apart from my normal classes to take the Tango Danza class they have available.

This is Crystal. She’s one of the people living with me (and the 12 other people). Ahora, she is gone visiting her “big brother” from Argentina who studied abroad at her house in the states more than 10 years ago. See you soon Crystal.

And of course, the first time I saw one of these I had to buy one. Not because I’m all that fond of them, but as a shout out to my sister Beverly. I’m glad you finally found an apartment in Colorado.

And this was one of the coolest (and few) bars I’ve ever been to. MundoLingo was the name, where you go and wear flag stickers of all the languages you speak and meet people from around the world. The website said it was Russian night, but I sure as hell didn’t see any Russians. However, I did meet people from the US (of course), Argentina (of course), and Brazil… and to be honest, that’s about it, but our group kind of found another group of people and made fast friends, making the night fun. If only there was a place like this in Omaha.

Revenge is coming JJ. I don’t speak Cantonese nor Portuguese.

Here’s a cat that comforted us lost people waiting for a bus (two of them were allergic).

Yesterday, we decided to visit some places that were a little touristier. La Plaza de Mayo, the (2nd) longest avenue in the world, La Casa Rosada (again but that’s okay). We even high-fived the Pope.

Later that night we visited El Museo de Belles Artes (and on a side note, had two horribly uncomfortable bus rides, and now I understand large-city people’s hatred of rush-hour public transportation).

If it’s a painting and not a picture, I have the feeling you’re allowed to make your subjects look a tiny bit better than they do in real life.

The Loan Ranger owed a little too much money.

Painter #1 could use a little advice from painter #3.

Something Something the Third de la Something.

And finally, late last night, we went to Milonga, a place where we watched some people dance tango. I didn’t dance since none of the girls knew how to teach the guy parts (absurd!), so it was kind of torturous, but at least it was some música buena.

That’s about all for now. We were supposed to go to Colonia, Uruguay tomorrow, but due to Idk what, it’s been postponed until next Saturday. Which means tonight we shall be going out.

Hasta luego, here are some shout outs to some homies back home.

I would buy this for you Lindsey, but I think you already have like 50. I’ll just have to get you something else.

Dad, you would laugh at the size of the mixer trucks here.

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