Something Subtle That I Miss

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I Moved to New York During the Pandemic

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Isolation in El Calafate

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Why Isn’t Soundproofing in Apartment Buildings Better?

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Colonia, Uruguay


So I was recently in Uruguay for a day. That last sentence technically isn’t supposed to rhyme with itself if you pronounce it right. But that’s okay if it did. Mo’ catchy.

Chao, Buenos Aires.

The boat that we took (the Buquebus) was the smoothest ride over water I’ve ever had. The seats inside were just like those of an airplane. Except with more space, and you could walk around the ship whenever you pleased.


And this is Bárbara, our very nice resident director of Bs As. She brought along some mate (pronounced máh-tay) for the journey to Colonia. Mate is kind of a traditional get-together drink in Argentina, like tea in Britain or beer ‘n’ football in ‘Muricah. There are many rules to drinking this (don’t say ‘gracias’ until you’re completely done, or you won’t get any more). And, of course, it was delicious. It was like tea but with the strength of coffee.

And after a mere 3 hours on the widest river in the world, we were in Colonia, Uruguay.

It was reverse culture shock a little at first. For one, the drivers actually waved us to cross the street sometimes. And the general hustle-bustle of Buenos Aires was replaced by a quiet, laid-back feel. To be honest, I prefer staying in Buenos Aires, but it was nice to leave for a day.

Did I mention we saw a whale!

It was dead…

Altaïr Ibn La’Ahad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Ratonhnhaké:ton. They can all climb this. And then, of course, land safely in a bale of hay they had barely glanced at beforehand.

Cue theme from The Godfather.

Lunch was great. I never thought I would sort of miss bacon, but I didn’t realize I missed it until I had it in Uruguay. What’s weird is that I don’t miss skim milk as much as I thought I would, but I still sometimes crave it. This morning I had a small cup of unrefrigerated whole milk that they use for coffee, but it’s just not the same.

Conner Kenway’s Aquila. (Someone help me stop referencing video games.)

After lunch, the four students rented a golf cart to cart around the town. I was probably the most granny-like of all the drivers to be honest, and that shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows me well.

And here is another ‘atardecer’ (which I found out is a better word for ‘sunset’)

And that’s about all I have for Colonia. The boat back was 3x’s faster as we got back in just one hour.

Also, some things I forgot to blog about last time:

This is La Bomba

It was a drum concert (on a Monday night for some reason). Pretty cool… I guess I prefer a little more trombone but I can’t have everything. They were truly all talented and I’m proud of each and every one.

Another thing. Since I’ve lived in a house with 4 males (if you include the dog), and 10 females (if you include the cat), I’ve been commissioned to murder 4 helpless insects. A spider, a slug, a baby slug, and a cockroach. I’ll spare you the details of the slug murders… but they involved salt… it was horrifying and is now burned into my conscience. Happy Thursday!

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