Something Subtle That I Miss
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Read MoreSome of My Favorite Photos from Argentina (So Far)
2018 November 29
Here’s a quick little update from my life in Argentina. While I’m not talking about a lot here, I am showing a lot.
There are 77 photos here (well, photos and some gifs), and if every photo is worth 1,000 words, then this post is worth 77 * 1,000 = 77,000 words in photos. The actual word count at the time of publishing is 482, meaning the word count is 77,000 + 482 = 77,482. You’re welcome!
While leaving, Denver International Airport was under construction (I believe it still it). Because airports like to be cheeky sometimes, DEN decided to lean into the conspiracy theories surrounding their creation and operation and I 100% approve of it.
El obelísco under construction for modifications to the 2018 Youth Olimpics My first Argentine café cortado since leaving in 2013 New York?
Rooftop views where I live with Mariangela.

Revisiting the Universidad de Belgrano.
Argentinosaur The South American sponge-llama The Patagonian sad-duck “Zucaritas”
I finally visited the Cementerio de Recoleta (Recoleta Cemetery) where Evita is buried. The actual tombstone of Eva Perón is, in truth, a little underwhelming, but is actually a family tomb, not an exclusive grave for just her.
El obelísco back to normal Stumbled upon a Nordic festival… as one is like to do in Latin America

Should this be my new profile pic?… Or this?…
Venezuelan delicacy The view from my current coworking space
Usually the Moon, or anything else in the sky, doesn’t look good in photos. A trick I like to do is to use the landscape to my advantage. You can’t see that it’s a full moon here, but it’s unusually bright and the clouds have a weird presence. Good timing for Halloween weekend.
Permanent tattoo, non-permanent markers The most Argentine barbershop you’ve ever seen French food festival My first asado since 2013

There’s that rooftop view again, but this time with a sky that looks like an album cover by Odesza.
The sky in Buenos Aires usually isn’t that pretty (Denver’s sky is way more consistently insanely beautiful), but Buenos Aires’ sky has plenty of moments.
“Cheetos” Library café in Palermo, Libros del Pasaje Pour-your-own-wine bar
The rooftop from my coworking space. Why aren’t accessible rooftops more of a thing in the US?

The inside of a hostel in Montevideo, Uruguay.

All the cloudy pictures above are from Montevideo, Uruguay.
All the sunny pictures above are from Punta del Este, Uruguay, just a 2-hour drive to the east.
Taken just a few hours from before this post went live…
…which means we’re all caught up!
I’m not making any promises, so don’t expect anything new soon, but if you want to stay caught up as soon as a new post goes live, be sure to subscribe! You’ll get more of this:

As always, love your posts!! Thinking you should be visiting us again soon!
Love you Spencer!!