Something Subtle That I Miss
Read MoreI Moved to New York During the Pandemic
Read MoreNortheast US Nerd Tour
Read MoreIsolation in El Calafate
Read MoreWhy Isn’t Soundproofing in Apartment Buildings Better?
Read MoreApartment & Travel Surprise

I have some small updates, and a big travel-related one at the end of this article. Read through this article or ignore my hard work and scroll immediately to the bottom to find out what it is! My New Place Welcome to my new place!. The apartment building is called The Palisade. I know it’s not […]
Read MoreLe Voyage Québécois, Montréal

Bonjour Montréal When we last left off, I was on a train leaving Québec City going through the Québécois provincial countryside. And, naturally, that’s where we’ll pick up. <Note> 21 September 2016: This is a long-delayed article. Before I started writing this again in September, this is as far as I had gotten last May. 10 […]
Read MoreHow to Move to Denver

For those wondering, yes I am working on the Montreal entry. I’m busy. But guess what. I moved to Denver! Here’s how to do it in 7 easy steps that can apply to anyone: Quit your job in Omaha, NE (but, like, save money and stuff). Say goodbye to everyone you ever knew in a […]
Read MoreLe Voyage Québécois: La Ville de Québec

Although this was uploaded on May 19, it was written on May 11 on a train between Québec City and Montréal: I’m writing these out of order, but I’m a fan of Quentin Tarantino so maybe I’m drawing inspiration from him. I have a couple of drafts of smaller travels to Denver, Minneapolis, and the […]
To all of my followers left reading this, AKA Mom and like 2 other people, I’m officially moving my blog from to something a little more professional that makes more sense: What’s the history of “Don’t Cry for Me, USA”? This began as a travel blog for my study abroad semester in Argentina. […]
Read MoreDiplomats, Gamblers, Businesspeople, Students, Siblings – Part II

San Francisco – March 2015 Less than a month later, I was on a plane heading to San Francisco for my senior year spring break and a class for my university. The weekend before was spent with 3 other friends from Creighton, Elizabeth, John, and Vinny. The pre-class weekend was spent doing many things. Even […]
Read MoreDiplomats, Gamblers, Businesspeople, Students, Siblings

Note: I wrote the following entry on an overnight train from Denver to Omaha on June 12, 2015 so it should be read as such. The reason I’m uploading it now is the lack of wifi on the train and procrastination. Enjoy! It’s been since November 2014 since I updated this travel blog. That makes […]
Read MoreIt’s Almost Been a Year

In 6 days, November 9 will mark the anniversary of my return to the US. In fact, this will be the first time I’ve been in the states for a consecutive year since December of 2012. I had a lot of opportunities to travel in a short amount of time. Belize/Guatemala, Australia, then Argentina (and […]
Read MoreSpencer Cloud and the Case of the Missing Backpack

I see no better way to do this post than to jump right into it. One time, in Mendoza, Argentina, we were having a jolly good time eating lunch. While waiting for the bus to take us back in Buenos Aires, the capital, I reached for my backpack to find it missing. I lacked a […]
Read MoreI’m Back to Life
And out of school. How have you been, my dozen(s) of followers? Last November I said I would update this blog, and now it’s May and I finally am. First I’ll do a blog post about the missing backpack/computer/passport/life conundrum and how it finally got fully resolved. After that post, I shall report on how […]
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