Something Subtle That I Miss

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I Moved to New York During the Pandemic

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Northeast US Nerd Tour

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Isolation in El Calafate

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Why Isn’t Soundproofing in Apartment Buildings Better?

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Well I Suppose It’s Time to Update the Ol’ Blog Hole

Hey there. It’s been a week since I last updated this thing, but from the requests I’ve been getting you’d think it’s been a week and a day. I guess I’m just that fantastic. Modesty aside, this week has been going pretty well. Of course, I’ve been missing the states a little bit, so I’ll try to keep my (small amount) of complaints to a minimum. But seriously, people have no patience here (that could just be the city life), there’s dog crap all over the sidewalks, there’s trash all over the streets (worse than Chicago or New York), and I really wish people here had that walking rule where you go right (like in the US) or left (like in Australia) if someone is walking directly towards your face. But it’s okay. That last part is like a game of chicken you get to play with everyone on the sidewalk. The whole missing the states thing may have prompted me to get this yesterday for lunch.

Burger, fries, ketchup, and there’s actually Coke in that Coca-Cola cup.

Classes are going well. I don’t have any pictures though, because I don’t think it’s culturally acceptable to bring out a camera in the middle of class. However, this is a typical view out the window of a classroom.

Later on there shouldn’t be so many clouds. Hopefully only one Cloud will be visible in a couple months (zing!). The other day it rained, meaning as soon as I opened the door to my bedroom I got wet. Let me remind you of what my living situation looks like.

But it’s okay because I woke up to take a shower, just sooner than I expected. For real now, the complaining switch is being turned off because it’s not really that bad. Except for the fact that we were going to go horseback riding not too far out of town, but now can’t because I guess the whole area caught on fire… sigh… But eh. Horses aren’t really that special to me anyway. Tomorrow, I’ll be going to Uruguay for a day, bringing my country count up to 7. And I promise more photos will be taken for next update.

Back to classes, for those that might be interested (in classes? I know, right? These people are weird.) My two economic classes are the ones that I’m taking in English. It puts me right back at home when I hear professors ripping on their government’s monetary policies. And I hope that statement doesn’t put those professors in danger with the Argentine government. Argentina isn’t still a military dictatorship, right? Haha jk. This is the internet, the government can’t see this. Other than my economics classes, I’m taking a Latin American Literature class (taught in Spanish), a Latin American Film class (taught in subtitles), a Spanish Language class (taught in the language of Spanish), and a Tango Danza class (taught in the language of Tango).

I met someone from Chicago the other day who reminded me that Lollapalooza is going on right now ;_; But then I remembered that I was in Argentina so that made it a little better. But then I also saw this:

But then I remembered I had Spotify Premium and can listen to Phoenix whenever I want on my iPhone 4s… now all I have to do is wait for the endorsement checks…

Well, that’s about all the news I have. Since this blog post has been devoid of the usual amount of pictures I’ll upload some from the beginning of the trip that I didn’t have room to shoehorn into my other posts.

These are hanging up in my room for some reason.

The Australian-Argentine Embassy. Have I mentioned I’ve been to Australia? Fun fact: Einstein once lived in this building. Boring fact: I’m a nerd.

The guy from the last part of Amores Perros

This is a really common occurrence


Clever advertising. This roughly translates to “If you buy your little kid a PlayStation, he’ll finally shut his d*mn mouth”.

Puesta del sol. Which obviously means “sunset”. No one here gets up in time for a salida del sol. Which obviously means “salad of the sun”.

A restaurant with inexplicable copyright infringement

Wow, my translator app sure comes in handy.

And now something I forgot. The other day I took a walk and wound up here.

Which was pretty nice to semi-get away from the city, even though I was still right in the middle of it.

I never thought I would say this, but I’m getting a little sick of city-living. And I love cities. Maybe it’s because I didn’t getting my kayaking fix this summer. At least I’ll be on the widest river in the world tomorrow, just not kayaking in it. Which reminds me, I should get to bed. I have to be up a little early tomorrow (certainly the earliest I’ve been up in Argentina). Thanks to everyone whose been telling me they’ve liked this blog so far. I’ll try to stay consistent.

Hasta goodbye.

So I just Google imaged “funny Argentina” and found this. I don’t actually get it so I assume it’s fútbol related. If someone understands, feel free to tell me.

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